Mother’s Day

“Love is taking a few steps backward, maybe even more…to give way to the happiness of the person you love.” -Winnie the Pooh

Mother's Day is a special occasion to honor and celebrate the unconditional love, sacrifices, and support that mothers provide to their children and families.

It is an opportunity (hopefully more than once per year) to show appreciation and gratitude for all that they do.

Although many gifts show love for mom and for a short time (think candy and flowers), we always encourage a gift that will last a lifetime…a beautiful, artistically created portrait of her children. As it graces the walls of the home, it is an eternal reminder of love in its most beautiful form.

As portrait photographers, you would expect we would say exactly this…and you would be correct.

But we are more than photographers. We are also a mom and dad who cherish our girls and LOVE the portraits we have done over the years.

We have a passion for what we do and we have seen, over and over, just what it means for a mom to have her children photographed and displayed throughout the home.

We practice what we preach!

Although our girls are in their 30s and 40s, we are currently photographing them to display in our bedroom, over our bed.

They will face two oil paintings we had done of us in our early 20’s.

Every day, I love walking into our bedroom where the walls are adorned with portraits of us and our children, taken throughout the years.

Whether you are a dad looking for a gift for your wife OR a mom who would love a portrait done of the kids, you can contact us here and we can talk about it.

One thing we know for sure…this is a gift that will not be returned!

Our youngest is done. Now for the older daughter…and I might jump in myself and do




“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.” ― Judy Garland