The Age of Significance

“Sophie is such a special soul.  She is mature beyond her years.  She has a heart of gold.” -mom

These are the first words that Sophie’s mom wrote when we asked her to write some of her thoughts about Sophie, her daughter, along with what the portraits we have done here at Walden’s through the years mean to her.

We have photographed Sophie since she was 6 weeks old.  Each session throughout these years was special to us as we stood by, watching Sophie morph from a baby to a toddler to child to today, a young adult.

Through the years, trends have come and gone…and we have seen them all!

That is why our goal is to create portraits that are “outside of time.”

Not trendy. Always meaningful.

To quote Brandy, Sophie’s mom, “The portraits are so symbolic of specific times in our lives – each very different but each very precious and memorable. Walking by them, even on a daily basis, brings back memories of things she has said or done and experiences that our family has had. The portraits not only remind us of the different stages of Sophie’s life but also the evolution of our family.  They are priceless and we will treasure them forever. “

If you wonder why we do what we do…here it is. We create portraits that allow all of us to turn inward, to savor today, to slow down.

And to create portraits that are “outside of time.”


Oh sweet baby


Meet Deborah, our portrait designer and stylist.