Parenting is a blur.

Hold On to the Moments that Matter…

As parents, we all have heart-tugging moments seared into our memories:

The first time your baby wraps their tiny hand around your finger. The joy on their face barreling down their first slide. The pride beaming after their first day of kindergarten. The way their eyes light up seeing presents under the Christmas tree.

In the daily blur of parenting, it's easy to take these moments for granted. But before you know it, your little one is graduating high school, and packing for college. 

The days may drag on…but the years fly by.

That's why we do what we do, day in and day out. We want your walls to be filled with frozen slices of time and priceless memories.

You can't fully appreciate the miracle of watching your children grow until one day, all that remains of their childhood are the portraits on your walls.

So, pause to savor the moments along the way.

And let these portraits remind you when the days are long but the years are short, to hold these times dear before they slip away. 

Before you know it, they’ll be the ones with babies of their own.

NOTE: Our current personal project is to do portraits of our two daughters for our Christmas present this year.

Although they are now grown women in their 30’s and early 40’s, they will forever be our daughters and portraits of them at all ages are so precious to us.

Why do we tend to stop doing portraits of our children once they are teens or even older?

Seeing their portraits done throughout the years brings back so many wonderful memories and I admit, I get a little teary-eyed looking at them!

Below, we are featuring our youngest daughter with a few favorites from the past along with her current portrait as we work on finishing up the session of our older daughter which we will post soon.

I cannot wait to see them printed and framed…I already know where they will hang!


It is an investment…


Oh what fun!